“Professional drivers” is a social event which is being organized by Volvo, Renault Trucks, Wielton, Ergo Hestia and Michelin for the second time. Its purpose is training of young drivers who have only just commenced their adventure with trucks. It is not only a chance for them to gain practical skills, but also to gain a pass to find attractive and well paid work. Within this edition, we plan to train more than 300 people. Fifteen sessions will take place in various regions of Poland. This year SPED PARTNER has been asked by the Organizers to participate in the event and on the 12-15th of September, it will be the host of one of the sessions. This is a great honour and appreciation for the professional model of management of a modern transport company presented by SPED PARTNER.
SPED PARTNER another time obtained award The Certificate Creditreform '2017, confirming the maintenance of high credibility and business reliability.
Certificate of Payment Credibility, granted by international credit information agency Creditreform (at present, one of three biggest world organizations in the field of enterprise creditworthiness assessment). The overall financial standing of the Company, particularly its ability to pay the liabilities on time, was assessed as very good (the company rating improved and equalled 233 points).
Link to the certificate: http://www.crefo.pl/raport/sped-partner-sp-z-o-o/krs-240517/leszcze/9410344146?adv2=false&cid=551253#tabs-3
On the 25th of November during the official gala event taking place in the EXPO XXI in Warsaw the results of the XIX edition of the „Fair Play Company 2015” program have been announced. The SPED PARTNER company has been honoured with such a distinction for the third time in a row and first time GOLD Certificate. The „Fair Play Company” program is organised by the Institute for Private Enterprise and Democracy and it is affiliated at the Polish Chamber of Commerce. Its goal is to promote ethics among entrepreneurs, understood as a set of norms applied, among others, in the relationships with customers, contractors, employees and the local community. A possession of such a certificate gives the possibility to build the company's prestige on the national and European market as well as to gain greater trust among the contractors and customers. From the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship,only four other companies have been awarded.
On the 19th of November SPED PARTNER organized the quality training titled "Transportation of bulk materials. Principles of loading and unloading of goods in bulk” for the fourth time. As in previous years, the participants of the training amounted to more than 100 people who were representatives of Carriers - Subcontractors of Sped Partner, providing services in the fields of bulk materials. The concept inspiring Sped Partner while organizing training such as the aforementioned quality training is that the basis of providing high quality services on the one hand, is the awareness of the risks, and on the other, the ability to anticipate and prevent those risks. The training program stipulates interesting, industry presentation panels for the sponsors as well. Those sponsors were: DAF (tractors), Kel (trailers, tippers), Spitzer (silos trailers), Michelin (tires), QS (gps).