The Company became the laureate of the V edition of the ranking: Business Wings. This is the prestigious ranking of medium and small enterprises, organized by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna newspaper. The ranking awards the enterprises regarded as most reliable and achieving the best financial results.
Sped Partner received the award granted by freight exchange for the reliable carrier and forwarder, confirming the fulfillment of the highest standards of safety and cooperation in road transport.
The employee of Sped Partner, Mateusz Skrzypek, became the Vice-Champion in Poland in the Optifuel Challenge '2014 contest, organized by Renault Trucks. 457 drivers from whole Poland took part in this year edition of the contest. The contest revealed drivers who achieved the lowest fuel consumption with the highest average speed, taking into account the observation of traffic regulations in force. Mateusz obtained the extraordinary result of 21.41 l per 100km.
Sped Partner was awarded (as one of the first companies in 2014) with Gold Certificate of Business Credibility for 2013. This award, granted by international credit information agency Bisnode (Dun&Bradstreet) is the evidence of the highest stability and financial credibility of the company. The certificate confirms that company owner is a reliable contractor, worth maintaining and establishing business relations. The award granted by D&B is acknowledged all over the world and facilitates the increase of company offer attractiveness.